Friday, April 7, 2017

4 Things People Will Tell You Are Important For Time and Attendance That Aren’t

4 Things People Will Tell You Are Important For Time and Attendance That Aren’t

Quite a number of HR Managers or teams run into avoidable troubles when handling and collating time and attendance data for payroll processing. This is due to what they think or were told are important for collecting time and attendance but actually aren’t. As a matter of fact, what most business owners  consider in gathering of time and attendance aren’t all they are cracked up to be.
Check out the 4 things people will tell you are important for time and attendance that aren’t:


Taking the biometrics of employees isn’t such a bad idea. However, there could be setbacks to this method. It has been found to be somewhat unreliable due to environmental conditions and the ever-changing landscape of our fingerprint. The truth of the matter is, the accuracy of data taken through biometrics are not always 100% effective – and here are some reasons why:
  •  Environmental conditions – numerous harsh environments can lead to operational failures of the biometric devices. Some of these conditions include dust, high humidity and hot/cold temperature. Fingerprints can be impossible to read in these types of environments.
  •  Fingerprint changes – Fingerprints can change with age. Also, the incidence of cuts, scratches and skin diseases often occur. Occurrences like these call for a constant calibration where employees do fingerprint change and a base scan is re-entered into the system. There have even been cases where some people don’t have a finger print to scan.
  •  Skin conditions – some biometric devices are not compatible with certain skin types such as oily or dry skin.
If you are considering the biometric system as the most dependable way to record time and attendance, you might want to give it a second thought.

On-premise system

The use of on-premise software used to be a common approach for collecting and processing time and attendance data in the past. This system is no longer suitable for businesses that have branches at remote locations. Furthermore, business computing has been moving to the cloud-based system for years and for that reason, on-premise solutions is no more necessary. Since the solution is intended to protect your data and not store critical confidential data, the cloud-based system is the best option.

Payroll software specific

Most of the accounting or payroll software that you get to see around today provide just a single solution of importing time and attendance entries in your payroll system. In an effort to solve this issue, we have designed On-Time web™ that allows you to create customized data maps to export data for stress-free incorporation with a wide range of payroll software. We have made the job a lot less stressful for you!

The high cost of running the package

The advancement of technology and the ability to successfully execute burdensome tasks with computer programs have led to a significant cut in prices of many things. It is important to look for applications that have a strong track record of dependability and support, you can still get all of these at reasonable rates. Just because a program is efficient, doesn’t necessarily mean it is expensive. The ever-dynamic On-Time Web™ is one of the most affordable solutions in the market. Training and support are included in a low monthly plan. All of these you’d get in a single package.

Do not wait to be told what to do

Whether it is payroll integrations or tracking of time and attendance, we offer solutions and services that will do the job beyond your expectation. With On-Time Web™, you can never get it wrong. Contact us to learn more about our services.

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