Wednesday, May 27, 2015

ROI of Implementing a Time Tracking System

Running a successful business is all about the risks and rewards associated with every decision.  From offering a new line of products to instituting new company wide initiatives, every choice comes with its own benefits and risks.  With that in mind, lets take a quick moment to review the return on investment, or ROI of an automated time tracking system.  Along with looking at this topic from the prospective of the company, we will also examine this from the perspective of individual employees who will be using this potentially new time tracking system.

Improving Your Workforce Management

Employee timesheet software is nothing new.  Most company’s employ some form of time tracking software to make it simpler for pay to be distributed easier based on effort put in.  With an automated time tracking system put in place, individuals will spend less time every day recording when they came in and left.  In addition, they will have a resource available for putting in new hours if there is a difference.  Implying that you have trust in your employees, such a system requires that individual workers take it upon themselves to arrive and leave when appropriate.

Reliability, Accuracy, And Company Culture

As hinted at above, automated time tracking systems require that there is the right company culture in place that stresses the value of the time people put into their work.  Employees that feel either unappreciated or under-appreciated are less likely to work as hard as they can, and may be more likely to abuse such a system.  By ensuring that your employees need’s are well taken care of, the automated time tracking system can be an excellent way to provide reliable and accurate information for when people are in and out.  In addition, by making the process simple and straightforward to change, employees can more easily change their hours to better reflect business trips or time off.  As always, having HR review the information guarantees another level of security and checks that makes sure everyone is playing fairly.

Improved Regulatory Compliance

Workplace regulations apply certain restrictions to an employee’s day.  By automating the process, all regulatory processes can be automatically met.  Now, for the regulatory compliance not to be met, individuals will have to put in the information themselves, often providing an additional level of working with HR that can stop problems from surfacing before they get out of hand.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Web Timesheet Stops Procrastination

Web Timesheet Stops Procrastination

As time becomes more and more valuable, monitoring and time tracking periods of procrastination become vital.  Web timesheet software enables companies and organisations to accurately and in a pro active manner to improve employee productivity.
When you either work for yourself as a freelancer or have a team of employees it is vital that maximal productivity and optimal output are achieved. How can you ensure that your time and the  time of your employees is being utilized to maximal effect. Mobile timesheets  and time tracking software is the answer!
In this article we will explore some proven benefits for using time and attendance technology. But before we can understand the advantages,  we need to  understand how time tracking has changed over the past few years.

The History Of Time & Attendance Technology

In the past ( 5 years) the world and technology have developed at a break neck speed. Our lives have become busier and time is now considered a commodity. Time is money! In the past time tracking software had limited features.
Most web time clocks  and mobile time sheets offered  very  few real benefits. You could login in from a single computer and record the hours and minutes, you spent on a task. This of course allowed you to accurately get paid for the work you had completed. This of course was dealt with by HR.
The software was often under developed, which meant that only a single employee could log in at a time. Great for one man bands,  but almost useless if you had more than 1 employee.

Web Timesheet Software in 2015

In 2015 more and more businesses have realized that these services have evolved dramatically. Many advanced features allow the businesses savvy to accurately predict the cost of  a project or single task.
This advanced feature is in my option worth it’s weight in gold. Being empowered to know accurately the cost of labor before bidding on assignments  has saved me money, time and resulted in overall more cost effective business delivery.  Time tracking technology has allowed my organisation to streamline, reducing excess labor and production costs. Could it help yours?
Additionally now many other advanced features exist. For example some time attendance systems  now allow you to fully integrate with your existing pay role software. Easily and instantly connect HR and wages.  No stress and full legal compliance.
There are many  kinds  of attendance software  now available, do not procrastinate, but take your time. Find the software that offers you the correct level of service and the advanced time tracking features you require.

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Pros and Cons of Using Web Time Clock Technology


The Pros and Cons of Using Web Time Clock Technology

With many different kinds of time tracking software currently available on the market, each with a selection of features, we shall look at the pros and cons of using web time clock technology.
Firstly let’s answer the question what is a web time clock?

Web Time Clock Software Explained

In the past you would walk into an office where a stationary clock in /clock out machine would be located. You would enter your id card and you would be “working”. For many years this was the normal method to record employee time and attendance.
Now in 2014 many organisations use a digital or cloud based clock in machine. Just like the old time keeping machines, the timesheet software records start times, break times, vacations and even overtime.
Of course using digital or cloud time tracking software has the advantage that it is fully mobile. Some companies offer advanced features that allows your employees to login from smart phones, tablets or desktops!

The Advantages of Changing To a Web Based Time Clock

An online time tracking service can help to increase work force productivity. Some advanced time sheet software technologies allow you as the employer to monitor and record staff hours worked.
However in 2014 these technologies have come on in leaps and bounds. Advanced features such a project cost prediction, allow you to accurately predict the specific cost of both labour and overall productivity. This advanced feature often has a small cost involved. However having the capability to know with high levels of accuracy, the cost of any given project is hugely advantageous in the long run.
The initial set up of web time clock technologies is often very simple and installation can vary from company to company. In general you will subscribe to a cloud based service or pay to download your chosen time tracking software. Within minutes you will have the features you require to accurately monitor time, attendance and other features.

The Drawbacks To Online Time Clock Technologies

Mobile timesheets and time tracking software is not for everyone. Firstly if your business is not computer or internet savvy web timesheets may not benefit you. This is often a fear felt by many, but after trying the software, most businesses quickly realize how easy the technology is to use. They rapidly see that by employing digital/ mobile time sheet technology they are increasing both productivity, whilst reducing paper work and freeing up HR resources and time.
Some organisations like having a physical object. They gather reassurance from the solidness of a clock in machine. This is fine. However it has to be noted that from 2014 and moving into the future, the cost of maintenance, parts and labour will continue to increase. Why not try a web time clock technology today and see how your business benefits.

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Technology Behind Web Timesheets

If you are considering the switch from traditional punch cards to newer software timesheets, then you will want to know what technology is used and how the process takes place.  To answer these questions, let’s look at the hardware and software behind mobile timesheet entry and processing.

The Hardware Used To Access Timesheet Software

With timesheet technology, there are a number of different devices that you can use to record your hours.  Online timesheet software is specifically designed to be as cross-platform as possible.  For example, you can use almost any browser on a PC to access and record your time on timesheet software.  In addition, for some you can download an app for your smartphone that can record your time for you when you are on the go.  As a result, almost any technology that provides you access to the Internet is hardware that will allow mobile timesheet entry and processing.

The Software Used To Record And Process Information

There are more than half a dozen recognized online timesheet software companies available, and each works to provide a simple means for you to record your timesheet information.  Every employee enrolled in the system must enter their username and password before they are allowed to continue.  Once signed in, they have access to their work history and also have the ability to enter a time for when they are starting or stopping work.  Depending on the software, information may be applied retroactively as well, in case the worker did not have enough time earlier to record their hours.
With timesheet information being added by employees, organizing and processing this data is incredibly simple.  The software is normally designed in such a way as to be an easily navigable database.  This means that the person responsible for assimilating everyone’s hours can search through all the information provided to find anything they need, including when certain people worked, how many people worked during a specific time, or the total amount of hours recorded for any given period of time.  With this information available on the back end, reports to the company can easily be generated regarding employment and hours recorded.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Timelier Reporting

There are a number of ways that you can maximize your business.  One way that labor heavy companies are doing it is with automated timesheet systems.  Whether running online or through the company network, they can provide timely reporting on both the employees’ hours and on trends relating to employee behavior—powerful tools for any company.

People Can Report From Anywhere

One of the greatest things about automated timesheet systems is that people can report that they have started or stopped work from anywhere.  Employees can report from their desk that they are about to begin work instead of having to walk down to a physical location and back.  With some systems, the supervisor can make punches for an entire crew at once, allowing them to go directly to work.  Sales people or employees in the field can make punches using their smartphones or tablets so that they don’t have to wait until later to record their time.

Information Gathered Can Be Quickly Organized

The information gathered through an automated timesheet system is always ready for you.  Since many of these systems are online, your data won’t have to be manually entered into a computer after being collected, organized, and physically archived—it’s already there.
In addition, they have predictive validity regarding how much time people will be working in the future.  The data in your automated timesheet system can be used to easily look ahead to see if more or fewer people will need to work.  Because this is based on a theoretical average for how many people will be working, the final results are subject to interpretation.  That being said, it can be a great tool for a company planning ahead.  Ultimately, whether or not you begin using an automated timesheet system will depend as much on the needs of your business as it does on your labor force.

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