Tuesday, September 22, 2015

6 Common Payroll Issues

Payroll plays a large role in companies for a reason. It’s the cumulative sum of all of the financial records for employee salaries, which includes their work wages, deductions and any bonuses. The crucial nature of payroll means that it’s imperative for companies to pay close attention to how it is managed under their financial departments.
Payroll is straightforward in concept, but it’s not entirely foolproof. Processing employee payroll is still subject to various common errors, despite the time-sensitive nature of such finances. Following are six of the most common payroll issues that companies tend to deal with.

Inaccuracy of Information – Working With Inexperienced Payroll Processors

At times, dealing with payroll related tasks can be a chore. To address this issue, many businesses and HR departments tend to hire out payroll processing to a third party. Some may delegate the work to an inexperienced employee.
On occasion, an employee or third party’s inexperience with their client’s workforce information can lead to them making crucial mistakes during the processing of such information. Sometimes, the information processed for employee wages may be inaccurate (for example, social security information), leading to possible delays in processing.

Using the Correct Deduction Amounts

Processing deductions from employee pay is considered one of the most complex parts of payroll. Both state and federal laws apply to deducting certain amounts from employee pay. Due to this, it’s easy for businesses and HR departments to make errors during payroll processing in regards to utilizing the correct deduction amounts.

Not Classifying Employees Correctly

Many small businesses utilize several types of workers, including temporary employees, freelance workers and contractors. Diversity in worker types can sometimes lead to payroll issues. It’s important that workers be classified correctly for tax purposes, since businesses can be subject to paying their owed taxes along with any fines.

Overtime Rules

Current federal and state laws require many employers to give overtime. Overtime generally consists of 50 percent of the employee’s typical hourly wage; in most cases, employees must be paid their hourly wage and the 50 percent overtime premium for each hour worked overtime. Due to the exceptions that overtime laws generally include, some payroll processors may be subject to mistakes.

Garnishments and Child Support

Employees who have been ordered by the courts to pay a certain amount to another party are subject to garnishments from their income. A creditor generally takes a certain percentage from their income, which is usually deducted from their paycheck. Employers are required to fulfill the terms of an employee’s garnishment; otherwise, those that don’t are subject to penalties.

Keeping Up With Regulatory Changes

Over time, payroll regulations do change. Sometimes, significant changes may be made to how payroll is processed for businesses across the country. In order to avoid the payroll issues that may originate from regulatory changes, businesses should do their best to stay updated with regulatory changes that may occur in their state or around the country.

Friday, July 24, 2015

4 Keys To Finding a Good Time & Attendance System

4 Keys To Finding a Good Time & Attendance System

There are a number of different reasons why companies need to have a time and attendance system in place. Not only does it help to reduce the risk of human error, but efficiency is also integral. When timesheets are being manually filled out is takes needless time and also leaves room for error. This can lead to issues with payroll, as employees can be given paychecks that are not accurate. They will always tell you if they realize they were paid too little, but not necessarily if they were paid too much.  Time and attendance systems have their place in every business no matter the size. Choosing the right type of time and attendance software is the key.
Here are the biggest things to remember when choosing a time and attendance system:

Analyze Your Needs

The different types of time and attendance systems are designed to meet different needs of companies. You need to understand what you require most from time and attendance software. This usually involves a time clock device, either biometric or with a card reader, although some systems can be used with any web-enabled devices, making them great for mobile employees. You also need software that is designed to manage the data easily and support that makes updates and helpdesk features accessible. Every company is different, but these are the basic needs that most companies have when looking for a time and attendance system.

Do Your Research

Once you know exactly what you need out of a time and attendance system, you have to begin your research. With so many different options to choose from, you need to learn about the best ones available. This might involve reading reviews or looking to see how some time and attendance systems stack up against one another. Along with cost, you can’t forget about the research aspect of the selection process when you are looking for a system that will offer accuracy, efficiency and other important benefits.

See a Demo

If you want to be fully convinced before you choose a time and attendance system, it can be very beneficial to ask for a demo. This will give you a good idea of exactly how the system works and what you can expect when it is implemented for your company. A demo should help give you all the information you need to make the best decision. You will know exactly what you are dealing with after seeing a demo.

Have Clear Expectations

There is no way for any time and attendance system to deliver on all your needs if you do not have clear expectations. You need to know what the problems are and what you want before you can find a system that helps resolve them.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Using Web Timesheets in the Construction Industry

Accurate and timely reporting on any construction site can be difficult or next to impossible to achieve.  Not only do employees on construction sites change jobs often, but this information is rarely reported accurately if it is even reported at all.  It is important to be informed and keep track of when employees change tasks because not all tasks have the same pay rate.  However, this difficult issue can be resolved with the use ofOn-Time Web. This unique system is a solution for the pay rate change problems that exist on a construction site, so construction industry timesheet issues can be resolved once and for all.
Here are the biggest reasons why construction web timesheets or mobile construction timesheets can be the perfect solution:

Simplifies the Tracking Process

Most construction sites are chaotic and employees are often moving from one task to another. Keeping track of time sheets or having all employees clock in at one time can be a major pain.  On-Time Web is designed to correct all these issues and simplify the entire process.  Tracking time and attendance is easy with the use of this mobile system.  Construction web timesheets come with customizable software that is the best solution.  It is so easy to use that you won’t know how you managed time and attendance without web timesheets.

Employees Can Punch In and Out With Ease

Getting employees to punch in and out at a construction site has never been easy in the past.  This can be changed forever with the use of web timesheets.  Now employees have no excuse to not clock in or out.  Both punch style and free-form timesheet entry are supported by this system.  Knowing exactly when employees arrive on the site and when they leave can be simplified.

Real-time Reporting

One of the best features of construction web timesheets is the ability to get access to real-time reporting.  All of the data that is gathered is updated automatically.  This means that you can see real-time data and can sort through it based on employee or project, further simplifying the time and attendance tracking process on any construction site.
In the past, tracking time in the construction industry was a major hassle, but construction web timesheets are changing this for the better.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How Automated Time and Attendance Helps With HR Issues

How Automated Time and Attendance Helps With HR Issues

If you have time cards that are filled out manually, it only leads to inaccuracies caused by human error. This might not seem like a major issue until you realize that time and attendance errors can lead to payroll errors that can cost companies big money. Not only can time and attendance software improve accuracy, but there are also other issues that can be addressed. If you are dealing with problems related to productivity, discipline, payroll or scheduling, it might be time to learn how a time and attendance system can resolve these issues.


Having all processes streamlined in relation to time and attendance as well as payroll only allows for more productivity in the workplace. All day-to-day operations can be more efficient, and this only helps to free up more employee time. Employees no longer have to spend their time filling out time cards, tracking the missing ones down, figuring hours and pay rates, or keying data in.


Time and attendance systems are specifically designed to be incredibly accurate. They can also integrate with payroll software to streamline all processes. This substantially reduces payroll errors and makes sure that all employee checks are accurate. Employees will be paid correctly for the amount of hours that they worked. This saves time and allows for payroll to be a much smother process.

Employee Satisfaction

You might not realize it, but time and attendance systems can also have a positive impact on morale in the workplace. Employees will know that their pay will be accurate and will not have to worry about errors due to time cards. All preparation with manual time sheets will also be removed. This even allows for employee and employer relations to be improved.


You will know that employees work their specific schedule due to the increase in security with a time and attendance system. This makes scheduling simpler than ever before and cuts back on employees being able to breach the security of your time and attendance system. With a few mouse clicks you will be able to see who has punched in on which jobs, allowing you to know quickly if you need to move employees around so that all jobs are adequately covered.
Having time and attendance software allows you to address key issues that can be harming your bottom line. The fact is that productivity, accuracy, payroll, employee satisfaction and scheduling issues can all be addressed with the right time and attendance system.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Why Do I Need an Automated Time and Attendance System If I Outsource Payroll

Why Do I Need an Automated Time and Attendance System If I Outsource Payroll?

Time and attendance has been the measure of payroll forever.  Most companies employ a time sheet system of one kind or another to track days and hours worked by employees.  Payroll timesheets are gathered on a regular basis and processed for payroll.  This system has worked for a very long time, but according to recent studies companies lose on average 5% of their annual revenue to payroll fraud, errors and inefficiencies.
Even if you outsource your payroll, there is still room for fraud, errors and inefficiencies.  An automated time and attendance system can eliminate these issues, saving your company thousands of dollars annually.  These time and attendance systems use electronic means to track time and export the figures to your payroll office.   There is no need for one person to calculate employee hours, and the web timesheet data can easily be transferred into your own payroll system or to the outsourced site.
Automated time and attendance systems reduce timesheet errors.  Humans make mistakes and whether the errors are made intentionally or not, these systems take the human error out of the equation.  Web timesheets are created using biometric or card-swipe time clocks or other web devices such as tablets or smart phones. This provides precise time measurements as to when employees start and leave work, eliminating timesheet fraud.
Time and attendance systems also help you track employee activity by allowing you to monitor labor costs, scheduling, productivity and overtime.  If your business is project based, the system can keep track of time spent on each project.   This will allow you to evaluate employee contributions to determine if you are making a profit having that individual working.
Some digital time clocks also can be used to control access to your facilities.  Employee movement can be controlled with a card or biometric system so that if anyone accesses a restricted area, you will be able to track where they were and how long they were in that area.
Accurate reporting features are another reason to use a digital time and attendance system.  Depending on the system, there are many reports that can be generated or customized to provide detailed information on the functioning of your company and payroll costs.
Compliance for the numerous regulatory agencies is also much easier with digital time and attendance systems.  Most systems are able to comply with the ACA and FLSA regulations, allowing you to quickly and easily generate the correct reports to meet those requirements.
Automated time and attendance systems can save your company thousands of dollars, even if you outsource your payroll, by lowering errors, inconsistencies and fraud opportunities and by simplifying the gathering and compilation of your payroll data.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

ROI of Implementing a Time Tracking System

Running a successful business is all about the risks and rewards associated with every decision.  From offering a new line of products to instituting new company wide initiatives, every choice comes with its own benefits and risks.  With that in mind, lets take a quick moment to review the return on investment, or ROI of an automated time tracking system.  Along with looking at this topic from the prospective of the company, we will also examine this from the perspective of individual employees who will be using this potentially new time tracking system.

Improving Your Workforce Management

Employee timesheet software is nothing new.  Most company’s employ some form of time tracking software to make it simpler for pay to be distributed easier based on effort put in.  With an automated time tracking system put in place, individuals will spend less time every day recording when they came in and left.  In addition, they will have a resource available for putting in new hours if there is a difference.  Implying that you have trust in your employees, such a system requires that individual workers take it upon themselves to arrive and leave when appropriate.

Reliability, Accuracy, And Company Culture

As hinted at above, automated time tracking systems require that there is the right company culture in place that stresses the value of the time people put into their work.  Employees that feel either unappreciated or under-appreciated are less likely to work as hard as they can, and may be more likely to abuse such a system.  By ensuring that your employees need’s are well taken care of, the automated time tracking system can be an excellent way to provide reliable and accurate information for when people are in and out.  In addition, by making the process simple and straightforward to change, employees can more easily change their hours to better reflect business trips or time off.  As always, having HR review the information guarantees another level of security and checks that makes sure everyone is playing fairly.

Improved Regulatory Compliance

Workplace regulations apply certain restrictions to an employee’s day.  By automating the process, all regulatory processes can be automatically met.  Now, for the regulatory compliance not to be met, individuals will have to put in the information themselves, often providing an additional level of working with HR that can stop problems from surfacing before they get out of hand.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Web Timesheet Stops Procrastination

Web Timesheet Stops Procrastination

As time becomes more and more valuable, monitoring and time tracking periods of procrastination become vital.  Web timesheet software enables companies and organisations to accurately and in a pro active manner to improve employee productivity.
When you either work for yourself as a freelancer or have a team of employees it is vital that maximal productivity and optimal output are achieved. How can you ensure that your time and the  time of your employees is being utilized to maximal effect. Mobile timesheets  and time tracking software is the answer!
In this article we will explore some proven benefits for using time and attendance technology. But before we can understand the advantages,  we need to  understand how time tracking has changed over the past few years.

The History Of Time & Attendance Technology

In the past ( 5 years) the world and technology have developed at a break neck speed. Our lives have become busier and time is now considered a commodity. Time is money! In the past time tracking software had limited features.
Most web time clocks  and mobile time sheets offered  very  few real benefits. You could login in from a single computer and record the hours and minutes, you spent on a task. This of course allowed you to accurately get paid for the work you had completed. This of course was dealt with by HR.
The software was often under developed, which meant that only a single employee could log in at a time. Great for one man bands,  but almost useless if you had more than 1 employee.

Web Timesheet Software in 2015

In 2015 more and more businesses have realized that these services have evolved dramatically. Many advanced features allow the businesses savvy to accurately predict the cost of  a project or single task.
This advanced feature is in my option worth it’s weight in gold. Being empowered to know accurately the cost of labor before bidding on assignments  has saved me money, time and resulted in overall more cost effective business delivery.  Time tracking technology has allowed my organisation to streamline, reducing excess labor and production costs. Could it help yours?
Additionally now many other advanced features exist. For example some time attendance systems  now allow you to fully integrate with your existing pay role software. Easily and instantly connect HR and wages.  No stress and full legal compliance.
There are many  kinds  of attendance software  now available, do not procrastinate, but take your time. Find the software that offers you the correct level of service and the advanced time tracking features you require.

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Pros and Cons of Using Web Time Clock Technology


The Pros and Cons of Using Web Time Clock Technology

With many different kinds of time tracking software currently available on the market, each with a selection of features, we shall look at the pros and cons of using web time clock technology.
Firstly let’s answer the question what is a web time clock?

Web Time Clock Software Explained

In the past you would walk into an office where a stationary clock in /clock out machine would be located. You would enter your id card and you would be “working”. For many years this was the normal method to record employee time and attendance.
Now in 2014 many organisations use a digital or cloud based clock in machine. Just like the old time keeping machines, the timesheet software records start times, break times, vacations and even overtime.
Of course using digital or cloud time tracking software has the advantage that it is fully mobile. Some companies offer advanced features that allows your employees to login from smart phones, tablets or desktops!

The Advantages of Changing To a Web Based Time Clock

An online time tracking service can help to increase work force productivity. Some advanced time sheet software technologies allow you as the employer to monitor and record staff hours worked.
However in 2014 these technologies have come on in leaps and bounds. Advanced features such a project cost prediction, allow you to accurately predict the specific cost of both labour and overall productivity. This advanced feature often has a small cost involved. However having the capability to know with high levels of accuracy, the cost of any given project is hugely advantageous in the long run.
The initial set up of web time clock technologies is often very simple and installation can vary from company to company. In general you will subscribe to a cloud based service or pay to download your chosen time tracking software. Within minutes you will have the features you require to accurately monitor time, attendance and other features.

The Drawbacks To Online Time Clock Technologies

Mobile timesheets and time tracking software is not for everyone. Firstly if your business is not computer or internet savvy web timesheets may not benefit you. This is often a fear felt by many, but after trying the software, most businesses quickly realize how easy the technology is to use. They rapidly see that by employing digital/ mobile time sheet technology they are increasing both productivity, whilst reducing paper work and freeing up HR resources and time.
Some organisations like having a physical object. They gather reassurance from the solidness of a clock in machine. This is fine. However it has to be noted that from 2014 and moving into the future, the cost of maintenance, parts and labour will continue to increase. Why not try a web time clock technology today and see how your business benefits.