Friday, July 24, 2015

4 Keys To Finding a Good Time & Attendance System

4 Keys To Finding a Good Time & Attendance System

There are a number of different reasons why companies need to have a time and attendance system in place. Not only does it help to reduce the risk of human error, but efficiency is also integral. When timesheets are being manually filled out is takes needless time and also leaves room for error. This can lead to issues with payroll, as employees can be given paychecks that are not accurate. They will always tell you if they realize they were paid too little, but not necessarily if they were paid too much.  Time and attendance systems have their place in every business no matter the size. Choosing the right type of time and attendance software is the key.
Here are the biggest things to remember when choosing a time and attendance system:

Analyze Your Needs

The different types of time and attendance systems are designed to meet different needs of companies. You need to understand what you require most from time and attendance software. This usually involves a time clock device, either biometric or with a card reader, although some systems can be used with any web-enabled devices, making them great for mobile employees. You also need software that is designed to manage the data easily and support that makes updates and helpdesk features accessible. Every company is different, but these are the basic needs that most companies have when looking for a time and attendance system.

Do Your Research

Once you know exactly what you need out of a time and attendance system, you have to begin your research. With so many different options to choose from, you need to learn about the best ones available. This might involve reading reviews or looking to see how some time and attendance systems stack up against one another. Along with cost, you can’t forget about the research aspect of the selection process when you are looking for a system that will offer accuracy, efficiency and other important benefits.

See a Demo

If you want to be fully convinced before you choose a time and attendance system, it can be very beneficial to ask for a demo. This will give you a good idea of exactly how the system works and what you can expect when it is implemented for your company. A demo should help give you all the information you need to make the best decision. You will know exactly what you are dealing with after seeing a demo.

Have Clear Expectations

There is no way for any time and attendance system to deliver on all your needs if you do not have clear expectations. You need to know what the problems are and what you want before you can find a system that helps resolve them.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Using Web Timesheets in the Construction Industry

Accurate and timely reporting on any construction site can be difficult or next to impossible to achieve.  Not only do employees on construction sites change jobs often, but this information is rarely reported accurately if it is even reported at all.  It is important to be informed and keep track of when employees change tasks because not all tasks have the same pay rate.  However, this difficult issue can be resolved with the use ofOn-Time Web. This unique system is a solution for the pay rate change problems that exist on a construction site, so construction industry timesheet issues can be resolved once and for all.
Here are the biggest reasons why construction web timesheets or mobile construction timesheets can be the perfect solution:

Simplifies the Tracking Process

Most construction sites are chaotic and employees are often moving from one task to another. Keeping track of time sheets or having all employees clock in at one time can be a major pain.  On-Time Web is designed to correct all these issues and simplify the entire process.  Tracking time and attendance is easy with the use of this mobile system.  Construction web timesheets come with customizable software that is the best solution.  It is so easy to use that you won’t know how you managed time and attendance without web timesheets.

Employees Can Punch In and Out With Ease

Getting employees to punch in and out at a construction site has never been easy in the past.  This can be changed forever with the use of web timesheets.  Now employees have no excuse to not clock in or out.  Both punch style and free-form timesheet entry are supported by this system.  Knowing exactly when employees arrive on the site and when they leave can be simplified.

Real-time Reporting

One of the best features of construction web timesheets is the ability to get access to real-time reporting.  All of the data that is gathered is updated automatically.  This means that you can see real-time data and can sort through it based on employee or project, further simplifying the time and attendance tracking process on any construction site.
In the past, tracking time in the construction industry was a major hassle, but construction web timesheets are changing this for the better.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How Automated Time and Attendance Helps With HR Issues

How Automated Time and Attendance Helps With HR Issues

If you have time cards that are filled out manually, it only leads to inaccuracies caused by human error. This might not seem like a major issue until you realize that time and attendance errors can lead to payroll errors that can cost companies big money. Not only can time and attendance software improve accuracy, but there are also other issues that can be addressed. If you are dealing with problems related to productivity, discipline, payroll or scheduling, it might be time to learn how a time and attendance system can resolve these issues.


Having all processes streamlined in relation to time and attendance as well as payroll only allows for more productivity in the workplace. All day-to-day operations can be more efficient, and this only helps to free up more employee time. Employees no longer have to spend their time filling out time cards, tracking the missing ones down, figuring hours and pay rates, or keying data in.


Time and attendance systems are specifically designed to be incredibly accurate. They can also integrate with payroll software to streamline all processes. This substantially reduces payroll errors and makes sure that all employee checks are accurate. Employees will be paid correctly for the amount of hours that they worked. This saves time and allows for payroll to be a much smother process.

Employee Satisfaction

You might not realize it, but time and attendance systems can also have a positive impact on morale in the workplace. Employees will know that their pay will be accurate and will not have to worry about errors due to time cards. All preparation with manual time sheets will also be removed. This even allows for employee and employer relations to be improved.


You will know that employees work their specific schedule due to the increase in security with a time and attendance system. This makes scheduling simpler than ever before and cuts back on employees being able to breach the security of your time and attendance system. With a few mouse clicks you will be able to see who has punched in on which jobs, allowing you to know quickly if you need to move employees around so that all jobs are adequately covered.
Having time and attendance software allows you to address key issues that can be harming your bottom line. The fact is that productivity, accuracy, payroll, employee satisfaction and scheduling issues can all be addressed with the right time and attendance system.